Journeys Along the Silk Roads:Cross-Cultural Encounters and Exchange
Working with the Asia Society, Clio designed and wrote Journeys Along the Silk Roads: Cross Cultural Encounters and Exchange, an NEH-funded CD-ROM based on the history of the Silk Roads. The primary goal of the CD-ROM is to bring to American secondary school users a greater understanding and awareness of the development and historical importance of Asian cultures. Specifically, the CD-ROM assists students in meeting a number of key subject and skill requirements of the United States high school curriculum, including research skills, map reading, working with primary and secondary documents, and critical interpretive skills. Clio provided the design and writing, and consulted on the pedagogical units and the production of the CD-ROM. Client: Asia Society (New York, NY)

Mapping American History: A CD-ROM Companion
A state-of-the-art CD-ROM companion to historian Alan Brinkley's now-classic college textbook, American History: A Survey, this project used dynamic maps, audio scripts, and thought-provoking questions and exercises to deepen students' understanding of American history and improve their geographical literacy. Clio selected the maps, designed the interactive elements, and wrote the student exercises and supplementary resources. Client: The McGraw-Hill Companies (Boston, MA)

Traditions and Encounters: A CD-ROM Companion
Clio produced interactive maps for McGraw-Hill's world history textbook, Traditions and Encounters, by Jerri Bentley and Herbert Ziegler. Delivered over the web and on CD-ROM, the maps bring a new level of historical geographic inquiry into the classroom. Each map has an interactive identification section, multiple choice quizzes, and short answer questions. Client: McGraw-Hill Companies (Boston, MA)

People’s Hall of Fame Interactive Kiosk
Clio worked with City Lore, the New York Center for Urban Folk Culture, to design and implement an interactive touch-screen kiosk for the Museum of the City of New York. This kiosk used multimedia formats to exhibit 25 feature stories about ordinary New Yorkers from diverse backgrounds who have contributed to the cultural and artistic life of the city. The kiosk was installed in October 1999. Client: City Lore for the Museum of the City of New York