After the Fact Interactive: The On-Line Art of Historical Detection
Clio designed, authored, and produced a series of innovative on-line activities based on the Jim Davidson and Mark Lytle text, After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection. These activities emphasized the active interpretation and analysis of primary documents organized along important and pressing historiographical questions and debates. The units featured a substantial searchable archive of primary documents as well as numerous interactive pathays and activities. Client: The McGraw-Hill Companies (Boston, MA)

Bedford/St. Martins History Web Site
Clio consulted on the architecture, curricular materials, and interactive components of the "Research Room" for the Bedford History Site. The site included teaching activities for the site including interactive maps, visual literacy, and statistical activities. Client: Bedford/St. Martins Press (Boston, MA)
The Legacy: Murder and Media, Politics and Prisons, A Companion Web Site
Clio produced a companion web site to the Michael Moore's film The Legacy: Murder and Media, Politics and Prisons about the "Three-Strikes and You’re Out" law in California. Airing on PBS’s award-winning documentary series P.O.V. (Point of View) on 1 June, 1999, the web site sought to expand political literacy and citizen participation by defining criminal justice terms and giving users an exercise to test their knowledge of the criminal justice system. The website also contained a virtual community where users can engage in dialogue about the film. Client: P.O.V. Interactive/American Documentary Inc. (New York, NY)
The Living City Project
Clio was a technical consultant and subcontractor for a multi-million dollar digitization project for Columbia University's Department of Public Health and Medicine. In the first stage of the project, Clio provided technical assistant in the scanning and SGML encoding of 55 volumes of New York City Department of Health Annual Reports. In addition to the annual reports, the project also included a number of ancillary documents and hundreds of public health images from the scientific and popular presses. http://www.livingcity.org Client: Department of Public Health and Medicine, Columbia University (New York, NY)
AndersonGold Films Company Web Site
Clio designed and produced the web site for AndersonGold Films, a production company committed to the creation and dissemination of fiction and non-fiction films and videos about the complex lives of working people. AndersonGold Films is the production company of Kelly Anderson and Tami Gold, whose award-winning work includes Out At Work: America Undercover, Out At Work: Lesbians and Gay Men on the Job, Juggling Gender: Politics, Sex and Identity, Looking for a Space: Lesbians and Gay Men in Cuba, Signed, Sealed and Delivered: Labor Struggle in the Post Office, Emily & Gitta, Looking for Love: Teenage Mothers, Another Brother and the upcoming ITVS drama Shift. Through their films and web projects, AndersonGold Films seeks to broaden and deepen discussion and awareness about the critical issues affecting diverse communities throughout the world. Client: AndersonGold Films (New York, NY)

The Kindness of Strangers: A Transplant Community and Oral History Project
Clio designed this website to create and sustain a virtual community based around two films produced by the James Redford Institute for Transplant Awareness. Launched in late fall 1998, the web site included an extensive library of transplant information, an edited monthly magazine, and a real-time chat and threaded conferencing system. Clio has also worked to create a unique and important archive of the personal histories of transplant recipients and donor families using the conferencing system and a "tell us your story" forms interface. Client: James Redford Institute (Los Angeles, CA)

Barnard College Interactive History
Barnard College has commissioned a web-based interactive history of the college, its trustees, faculty, and selected student years. Clio designed the relational database and dynamic web interface for the project using Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 and Active Server Pages (see the King's College Interactive History for a parallel project). Client: Barnard College (New York, NY)

King's College Interactive History
Columbia University has produced a web-based interactive history of King's College, its earliest incarnation. Clio helped to design the relational database and dynamic web interface for the project using Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 and Active Server Pages. Client: Columbia University (New York, NY)
Poetry Gathering, Place Matters, and Carts
Clio produced a series of three websites for Citylore that combined design, database, and community. Clio's role on the project included coordinating a diverse team of programmers, designers, and urban folklore specialists. Client: Citylore (New York, NY)
New York Begins
Clio created a curricular unit in Flash on the first days of New York for the City Museum of New York in New York City. The project included a series of interactive activities and games, and presented the most recent historical scholarship in an appealing electronic format for school children. The web unit was launched on the web in September, 2002. Client: Museum of the City of New York (New York, NY)