Theodore Roosevelt as leader of the Rough Riders, 1898 [LOC-J698-6635]
Rough Riders, 1898 [LOC: J698-61365]
Sailors Dancing on the Olympia, August 1899 [LOC: USZ62-47558]
Admiral George Dewey with his dog Bob on board the Olympia, August 1899. Johnston received a warm endorsement from Theodore Roosevelt and as a result was given permission to board the Olympia to photograph Dewey and his crew. Dewey was docked in Naples, Italy, on his return from his victory in the Philippines. Laura Wexler wrote extensively about the Dewey photographs in Tender Violence: Domestic Visons in an Age of U. S. Imperialism (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2000).[LOC: LC-J698-61267]