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441 results:
181. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1944 Emma Lazarus Federation  
… 1944 Emma Lazarus Federation / The Emma Lazarus Federation of Jewish Women’s Groups was founded out of the Jewish women’s division of the International Workers Order, A progressive organization that …  
182. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1946 UN Comm. on Human Rights  
… 1946 UN Comm. on Human Rights / Eleanor Roosevelt was the chair of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, which drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and she served as the first …  
183. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1947 Community Service Organization  
… 1947 Community Service Organization / The Community Service Organization was organized by Mexican American women in Los Angeles. They worked on voter education and legislative campaigns, instituted …  
184. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1949 The Second Sex  
… 1949 The Second Sex / Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex (published in France in 1949 and in an English edition in 1953) asserted, “One is not born, but rather becomes, woman.” The debate that de …  
185. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1950 Declaration of Conscience  
… 1950 Declaration of Conscience / In a Senate speech, Maine Republican Margaret Chase Smith denounced the “fear, ignorance, bigotry, and smear” that were turning the U.S. Senate into “a forum of hate …  
186. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1950 Highlander Folk School  
… 1950 Highlander Folk School / The Highlander Folk School (today the Highlander Research and Education Center) provided leadership training to many civil rights activists. Among those who attended the …  
187. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1950 McCarthyism  
… 1950 McCarthyism / Senator Joseph McCarthy, in his attempt to uncover communists and communist sympathizers in the United States, attacked members of the American Association of University Women. Judge …  
188. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1950 Pauli Murray  
… 1950 Pauli Murray / Pauli Murray published the groundbreaking study States’ Laws on Race and Color in 1950. Murray was a pioneering civil rights lawyer and feminist activist, serving on the 1961 …  
189. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1954 Ladies of Courage  
… 1954 Ladies of Courage / Ladies of Courage, written by Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok, encouraged women to become politically active and profiled women political figures. Eleanor Roosevelt, …  
190. Women's Movement Timeline, Women's History Timeline, Feminism Timeline - 1955 Martha Griffiths  
… 1955 Martha Griffiths / Martha Griffiths (Democrat), who represented Michigan in the House of Representatives from 1955 to 1974, is credited with playing a key role in the passage of Title VII of the …  
Search results 181 until 190 of 441

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1971 The Click! Moment

The idea of the “Click! moment” was coined by Jane O’Reilly. “The women in the group looked at her, looked at each other, and ... click! A moment of truth. The shock of recognition. Instant sisterhood... Those clicks are coming faster and faster. They were nearly audible last summer, which was a very angry summer for American women. Not redneck-angry from screaming because we are so frustrated and unfulfilled-angry, but clicking-things-into-place-angry, because we have suddenly and shockingly perceived the basic disorder in what has been believed to be the natural order of things.” Article, “The Housewife's Moment of Truth,” published in the first issue of Ms. Magazine and in New York Magazine. Republished in The Girl I Left Behind, by Jane O'Reilly (Macmillan, 1980). Jane O'Reilly papers, Schlesinger Library.